And, the 2 lucky winners of the GIVEAWAY are No. 7Beady Janet and No. 5- Shelley. Congratulations Ladies! I've sent you an email requesting your postal address so I can get your Simplicity 2404 pattern sent out to you ASAP :)
The July 2014 PRIMA Magazine pattern is available to order by phone until the end of this month.
For July 2014, Prima Magazine are offering a classic set of dresses - a short-sleeved women's dress, and a sleeveless girl's dress.
Grace Kelly-style 50’s frock. With their simple stylish silhouettes, these summer dresses are perfect for girls of all ages. Women's dress and girl's in Sizes 10 - 20 (UK). Girl's dress in Ages 4 - 10.
For my some of my thoughts on PRIMA Magazine's sewing patterns - and how I'd personally like to see them change to make things better and easier for sewing-fans - please see this link hereClaire's Tuppence Worth... .
Au Revoir!
By the time you read this, we'll be heading for the airport.
I haven't wanted to talk about our upcoming vacation for fear of jinxing it
- the last time w...
A year of Nature Lovers Club 2024
A look back at our monthly yarn club editions Nature Lovers Club continues
to be something I really look forward to dyeing each month. As the business
has ...
First Things First - The Dream Achieved
*Note*: *These home posts are a year late, but better later than never,
What was the first thing I did after I signed the papers and got my keys ...
Yet more Burda wide legged trousers
I’ll stop after this pair, I swear. This is my third version of Burda 109
02/2024, very wide legged high waisted trousers with an interesting
pleat/pocket ...
Double Cloth Coat UFO - Complete
During the uncharacteristic cold and snowy weather in Jan and Feb, I found
myself unmotivated to do anything except watch YouTube videos. I felt
Today’s Pattern Story: Vogue 7895
Cheryl: I don’t think I would have tried to defend my thesis topic at the
department chair’s barbecue, but that’s just me. Beryl: Poor Fred! I don’t
think ...
Find your favourite outfit patterns
These are what I chose when a personal styling course asked me to pick my 5
favourite items. Worn with slim pants, which for me are a ‘background’
garment ...
Annabelle Shapewear Waspie + Underbust Variation
At the beginning of the year, a lovely student scheduled a shopping
appointment. It had been a few years since I had seen her and I was excited
to catch ...
Free Pattern Friday: Duffle Bag
*Welcome to my monthly 'Free Pattern Friday' feature, where I road test a
free sewing pattern or tutorial: sometimes a children's one, sometimes an
The Kiss dress
I'm pretty sure I cut this out back in December (oh god, no - my notes say
*October*?!), but to be honest, I was so sick from opportunistic infections
in N...
English pine dresser refinishing project
I’ve been looking for a new, smaller dresser for Otto's room since we got the
bunkbed because the layout of his room is so funky and his large painted
How to make jersey yarn
[image: How to make your own jersey yarn]
Making your own jersey yarn is so quick and easy! This is a great trick to
know if you’re making a sewing pattern...
Winter Plaid Jacket: Burdastyle 126 Nov 2023
Right after Christmas it was a gloomy weather weekend, just the time to
stay in with a sewing project. However I didn't have anything in mind so I
went t...
What’s old is new (x2)
Syo gave me some very lovely pink linen for Christmas, brought back from
her trip to Australia this past fall. Only two metres, she apologized,
because it ...
A Fall Hope
This is the last garment that I made in 2024 and haven't blogged. BTW,
this garment was shared on my Instagram page during it's first wearing. I
was laz...
2025 Workshop Dates
Hey everyone!! Just dropping in to share my 2025 workshop dates 🙂 🗓️ 2025
WORKSHOP DATES 🗓️ Alter + Repair Your GarmentsFriday, March 21,
2025 Pintuck &...
RiE MORRiS 1st Album 「On My Mind」 Release Party
I will be having a booth at Triton Hareharu Marche on October 8th which
will be held at Harumi Triton for three days from October 7th (Friday) to
9th (Su...
Wisdom From 2 Pattern Testers | Episode 82
Learn how two seasoned pattern testers evaluate and sew patterns and then
share their findings through pattern reviews. You can use their
observations and ...
Odell Top
I think I have a shiny new favourite top pattern – the Odell by Notches
Patterns, and the bonus is that it’s free! I had seen it on Instagram a
while ago a...
Just in time for warm weather - Cashmerette Stanton
The Sewjo has been Slowjo since my last post. And that means I probably
won't have much chance to wear this before next winter, except for taking
Cyrus out...
10 Proven Tips to Boost Your Tinder Matches
Looking to up your Tinder game and score more matches? From revamping your
profile pics to crafting witty bios that stand out, we’ve got the ultimate
Showerproof Waver Jacket
[image: Diary of a Chain Stitcher: Papercut Patterns Waver Jacket in
Showerproof Cotton Blend from The Fabric Store]
I made this jacket back in about April...
Fakta Menarik Tinggal Pada Rumah Di Cibubur
Jika anda sedang melakukan pencarian rumah yang cocok untuk tinggal di
daerah DKI Jakarta maka hal yang demikian bukanlah perkara yang sulit.
Meskipun di...
Fakta Menarik Tinggal Pada Rumah Di Cibubur
Jika anda sedang melakukan pencarian rumah yang cocok untuk tinggal di
daerah DKI Jakarta maka hal yang demikian bukanlah perkara yang sulit.
Meskipun di...
1780s Matching Cotton Jacket and Petticoat
This ensemble circa 1780 was made with an Ikea duvet cover like my previous
1780s Italian gown, except I actually bought this duvet set prior...
Sequined knit Northcote skirt
I’ve had this beautiful sequined wool blend knit in my stash for awhile.
It’s one of those fabrics you can’t resist buying and then have no idea
what to ma...
The Adrienne Blouse
Pattern: Adrienne Blouse from Friday pattern Company Fabric: printed dot
jersey from Joann’s Notes: This is the fourth pattern that I’ve made from
Friday p...
Belated Blog Updates
Welcome to my longest blog break ever? It’s been ten months since I’ve
posted here (March 2021), but I have some good reasons. If you follow me on
Skye Sundress At The Beach
This is the Tilly and the Buttons Skye Sundress in the mini-length –
perfect for a day at the beach. I made this sweetheart dress in a cotton
(now sadly ...
Summer 2021 updates!
Readers, some updates -- it's been a while!
While I haven't been blogging lately, I have most definitely been sewing
and buying fabric -- more of the latt...
I’m so excited to share a new project with you! DOWNLOAD THE FREE BAG
PATTERN HERE Oh how I love this bag! It’s a simple over the shoulder, boho
style ba...
Tia Dia: World’s Best Seamstress/Mom
To all the wonderful sewists that follow this blog, this is DD3 writing
this post. Sadly, Tia Dia passed away on March 21st, 2021 after a 1.5-year
fight wi...
Know your fabrics
[image: Know your fabrics]
Stable Foundation: Bonus content from my Sewing Book: Work to Weekend;
Capsule wardrobe. Fabrics are formed by weaving, knitti...
Face Masks for personal use
Over the last month, I have sewn & donated about a hundred masks to local
hospitals. Now I am taking a break from that to address requests for
Vintage Toy Box Refinish
I bought this toy box at an estate sale in 2014 when pregnant with
Grizzly bear Indigo Dress
For my birthday (I'm 37 today...yikes!!!), I usually like to make a new
dress. This year's dress still needs hemming though, so I thought I'd show
you a...
Jacket from Burda February 2020
Though the muslin of the Knip Mode jacket was a huge disappointment I was
still in a jacket sewing mood. I spent an evening trying to draft that
jacket mys...
Kako se šije trikotažna majica
Dobila sam par pitanja na temu šivenja trikotaže. Budući da imam vrlo malo
iskustva sa ovom vrstom tkanine (praktično sam tek počela da je
istražujem), ne...
New Blog: LCY Clothing Label
Hi guys, just dropping in quickly to say I've started to blog over on my
clothing label website.
The blog is more of an insight in what goes on behind the ...
Cropped Caplet Trench Coat
I am so excited about sharing this project with you! I made a cropped
trench coat!! The inspiration for the cropped trench coat is from various
cropped tre...
McCall 3698: The Shrewsbury Dress
This is one of my favourite stylings of a me-made garment ever.
This is my new handmade dress. I made it from a fabulous striped material
that was made ...
Introducing the Munroe Briefs Sewing Pattern!
While we were working on the Lexington bra, I realized that I just had to
have matching underwear. I just needed a matching set! As soon as the bra
style w...
Tiny Reebok Nano 2.0s
For Father’s Day this year I made a tiny pair of Reebok Nano 2.0 shoes for
a very special CrossFitting Dad-to-be. Now the first thing you have to know
IMPORTANT: Update from BurdaStyle
Dear customers, As you may know, we the current operator behind (formerly F+W Media) are stopping our activity with the
site. Neverthele...
My Summer Sewing
Well ! Again it's been a while ! Somehow, blogging has stopped being one of
my "Things to do on Sunday " In any case, I've had a lovely time sewing
So long, farewell.
We have a big announcement: U-handbag will (for real) cease trading this
autumn/winter 2019. From this Autumn (we will confirm the exact date closer
to the...
Pattern Cutting. A New Series
There are many methods for drafting blocks for dress patterns. I use a
variety of tecniques myself. Most tutorials are confusing, especially for
I am so excited to show you the newest True Bias pattern, the Calvin Wrap
Dress & Top. The Calvin comes in two views. View A is a top hitting a
couple of i...
Vogue 9021: it's all about the sleeves
I'm still playing catch up to blog all my completed projects - here's a
dress I finished in January and have worn quite frequently since then. This
is V...
I find this more amusing than my kids do
I made this block (you can see all the sides in this little video) because
I was getting sick of nagging and sick of saying the same thing every day
to my ...
PACO PERALTA ROVIRA - Barcelona, Spain
International Fashion Designer and Teacher Extraordinaire
I am greatly saddened by the news of my good friend P...
Rosie the Riveter and the Secret Plan
Take a look at Rosie the Riveter. A near myth of heroic proportions, she
and her friends had to weld planes, build ships, trucks, and armaments,
while mi...
Some Tops for Jane
My girl is about to start kindergarten! I can't believe it. She is so
ready. And fortunately for me, she's coming to my school. We are so
excited to ...
Lemon print skirt
I've had this gorgeous Dolce and Gabbana-style cotton (from *Pigeon Wishes*
but no longer in stock) squirrelled away for over a year and have really
Macramé Dress
This is not a new sew but I never blogged about it. Probably because
there’s not much to say, since all I did was the usual FBA, here on
princess seams. Bu...
French Terry Hoodie Dress
Generally speaking, when I order fabric from, there is
usually some sort of order and reason behind it. I start with a swatch,
cross my fin...
Quilted silk jerkin
Almost finished! Yay! I padded up a stand earlier in the fall, using a
combination of measurements, and a former costume and some internet photos
I found. ...
The Year of Trousers
I set out at the beginning of the year to redraft my trouser pattern from
scratch, thinking the process would be relatively simple. It was not. Most
of m...
2017 Christmas Decor Home Tour
Merry Christmas! Enjoy my 2017 Christmas Decor Home Tour.
May you be filled with joy this Christmas and throughout the new yea...
An actual bikini!
So, I ended up waiting for pictures again. And last week I ended up being
very busy. In fact, I already know the coming month will be a very busy
one. I wi...
I made a friend.
I started with the idea of a mouth. Just randomly constructed a mouth, with
the idea of creating a sock puppet that would pretty much be ALL MOUTH.
But th...
Australia Trip Nostalgia
I've been back from my whirlwind Australia trip for two weeks, and it was
so fabulous that I feel the need to sit down and write a little recap.
Thank you. All of you.
Wow. Yep, I know I said my next post would be back to pretty dresses, but
it turns out there’s one more needed before I get back to the sewing ones.
So, he...
Dress Forms
Ok kids! Here's one of my most asked questions so here you go:
What dress form should I buy?
Here are some key things to note when buying a dress form and wh...
Hand Embroidered Applique
I think I've mentioned before how much I love Michelle Carragher's work in
embroidery. She uses not only thread, but beads, rings, crystals and other
Lycra really!
Hello everyone, I'm still here!
So, what has been my sewing progress on my re-entry skirt? Little, to be
honest. I've cut the pattern and constructed the w...
The Four (or Five ) Way Wrap
I know it's been a very long time since I posted here but I think you're
going to love this little tutorial.
If you go here to Sew Passionista, you'll fi...
A Wedding Dress!
Our daughter Alex is getting married! It's going to be here on Long Island
next August. We live in a very pretty area and we've got a couple of
places ...
Something Blue : Mccalls 6282
So it’s been eons since this little blog has had some love. I have been
going through a sewing and consequently blogging funk. I blame the second
baby. T...
Three and a half Ilsley Skirts
I’ve been sitting on these photos for months, but seeing the lovely Marilla
recently made me realise it was time to share them with the world. This
post is...
Doris Petticoats
Doris Petticoats have been a longtime favorite of mine, this U.K. brand
makes a wide variety of colors, prints, and best of all, lengths to suit
Hello All! I’ve missed connecting with you all, so I’m gonna try and visit
this space a little more often. I can’t guarantee sewing in every post –
How To Widen a Sleeve (Full Bicep Adjustment)
Here’s a great pattern adjustment to have in your arsenal: the full bicep
adjustment. Also known as a full arm adjustment. If your sleeve fits
snugly, th...
Visit my new blog at
I invite you to visit my new blog at Over time, we will be
migrating the best current content on this blog over to my new blog. Happy
Must Have: Loft
I'm not sure when it happened, but I basically only want to buy pants at
Loft now. Part of it is style, but the other part is that they carry petite
Meal Prep for the Week: Vegetables
Staring at a fridge full of produce and having nothing to eat is akin to
staring at a wardrobe full of clothes and having nothing to wear. Tweaking
the p...
Time to Say Goodbye
After 15 years selling the best in vintage clothing and accessories, the
time has come for me to retire. I am sad to say goodbye to my customers
and fr...
You may recall, I made Mr. AFS a plaid flannel shirt a little over a year
ago from Simplicity 1544. Since then I’ve gone on to make more versions of
the sh...
Natalie and Nina
This is another of Kat's fabulous patterns teamed up with my fave cardigan,
Muse Natalie dress and Style Arc Nina cardigan.
I'll not say much about the ca...
Switching to Wordpress
Pattern Scissors Cloth is moving! I've been thinking about doing this for
a while, and have finally decided to make the switch to a Wordpress blog.
Na Hulu Ali'i
The full name is Royal Hawaiian Featherwork: Na Hulu Ali'i - it is one of
the current exhibitions at the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park.
I was in The ...
How do I?
How do I start a blog post after this long silence?
It's been long since the last post. I wouldn't apologize about it, because
this is a tiny space that is...
Welcome to a New Chapter Volume
For what it’s worth: it’s never too late ... to be whoever you want to be.
There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want.
You can change or stay the same, ...
The One and Only
This may be the one and only maternity garment I will sew this pregnancy.
Funny enough, it’s not even a maternity dress. It’s an 80s-tastic mumu
dress, New...
Wedding Planning, Designing a Dress, and KITTENS!
Well I knew this would happen but I thought I’d be better at managing it:
I’ve become a bad blogger due to being immersed in the throes of wedding
Announcement: 2016 Dates!
Hi crafters! Those of you who are on our mailing list or follow us on
Facebook may already know that sadly we will not be organising a market for
Starting a New Venture
I haven't been a very consistent blogger these days -- I can't believe my
last post was in May! Well, the reason for my absence is that I've been
focused o...
Completed: Floral Archer Popover, in a Knit!
I made Western Shirt for ManFriend and then all the sudden my head exploded
about shirt making and how awesome it is.
The thing for me, though, is that I...
Makeup Monday: My Current Beauty Obsessions
Even though I'm constantly trying new products, I often find myself
reaching for the same ones, over and over. I've already covered my favorite liquid
Silk, lace, organza and performance anxiety
Hullo, hullo! Gosh, doesn’t it feel like just yesterday…uh…nine months ago
that I was here talking about fluorescent skirts. I fell into a bit of a
Exciting bra related news…
As some of you may be aware, I have a little side business called Elise
Patterns. I make and sell pdf downloadable lingerie sewing patterns. The
exciting t...
Burda 11-2012-118, Classic Trench
[image: Burda 11-2012-118 Thumbnail]
So last Spring, almost a year ago now, I was in a mood to tackle a big
project and to do it right. I don't know why ...
Moving Day!
Guess spanking just moved the kettle, so stop by and check where I will be
flowing how I like. We can sit upturned!
slightly very shortly coming
Poppy Zip Front Top for Sofie's 21st.
My baby turned 21 back in September and I din't make a dress for her. I
would have truly but she decided she didn't need the stress and bought
herself an ...
The Full Moon Experiment
This is not my usual sewing post. I am lost. Yes, lost. Yet, the truth is
I’ve never felt so lost yet exhilarated with the potential of what’s
happening. I...
interior view of 1914 eyelet corset
Last week I posted pictures of a beautiful 1914 corset. I mentioned that
the orange pattern on the fabric was made by basting ribbon to the cotton
New Look 6000- swirly version!
So, what did I actually wear to Royal Ascot, then? This: And a
hat/fascinator is a must, too: It’s what …
Continue reading →
Me-Made-May '14: Week One Completed
I've been posting the evidence of my Me-Mades in the MMM '14 Flickr Group.
Here's a composite of the first eight days minus one:The day missing from
the co...
Fun with Panels!
I love working with panels and border prints because they challenge my
creativity and present me with little puzzles that I have more fun working
out. O...
DrapeDrape or Tania's achievement
I haven't been sewing for ages, and when I did, I haven't blogged about it.
So now I'm wondering if posting on my blog is like one of those moments
when I...
All Change / Goodbye Domain
Since the end of our IRL club meetings, I’ve found it hard to find the time
or enthusiasm to write a post here (plus I’ve only made one thing this […]
The Patient Party Dress
This dress waited a long time to be made, re-made, and finally celebrated
here: so voila, the most patient party dress. The dress started off as one
of my ...
New blog!
Hello and Happy New Year!
The new year is a great time for a fresh start and with this in mind I am
delighted to announce that KraftyKat is moving.
A pinafore and blouse from a 1981 pattern
When Jodi from Sew Fine Fabric contacted me to ask if I would like to try
out some of her fabric for a project, I was like " Ummmm... YES!!!
So I made a pi...
Hi Brian, It's been some time since I wrote you asking about sewing
machines. I see you mentioned you have changed about your likes towards
vintage sewing ...
Summer tops
Hello again! Determined not to lose momentum after the last post (ok, not
that that one took much effort), I grabbed the camera yesterday morning to
take ...
A Singer 401a and Greasy Terminal Prongs
Hi everyone, I know, long time no talk. I recently got to meet Elizabeth
from My Sewing Machine Obsession and that was pretty cool. She mentioned
that ...
Denim Cambie Skirt
Its funny how inspiration hits you sometimes, I’m not 100% sure where this
came from, it could be that I had such a great time making my recent Cambie
Monday Morning Eye Candy: Summer Perfection
I NEED McCall 9321. The one on the left. Not the pattern. That very dress.
Doesn't it just sing of summer evenings and fireflies and sherbert and
dancing a...
Reboot: part 1
Ok so I have been pretty slack with my blog recently.
Honestly, even though I have been sewing, and also now knitting, its been
taking me some time to sett...
Saturday Shopping Adventure
This week I'm going to introduce you to two new sewing machines I purchased
from Craigslist. My sister wanted to learn how to sew but did not have a
A Very Long Time Coming...
It has been a very very very long time.
Due to a variety of reasons, of which I won't go into at risk of being
negative (hello new resolution) I haven't po...
Shelf pin board
Let's say you need a pin board but your space is limited and you don't
want to make holes on the wall... do what I did!
Buy a cheap photo frame ...
Stashbusting Sewalong
[image: Stashbusting Sewalong]
Just what I needed for my little fabric hoarding situation. My goal is to
end up with more projects completed than fabric ...
Panne culinaire
Euh… pas grand chose côté cuisine cette semaine. Disons que les languettes
de poulet et la pizza sont très pratique pour les soirées surchargées et
les hor...
The “English Holiday” Blouse and Skirt
The Facts Fabric: brown and teal cotton/wool? suiting (stash) and sumptuous
and a little stretchy cloudy blue synthetic (stash, pretty sure it was red
tag ...
Wow, a whole year gone by......
...... and here I am back at the lovely Crafty Christmas Club blog. As we
in the US balance precariously on the edge of the "fiscal cliff" I see it
Back to school already! Déjà la rentrée!
Only two posts after talking about my summer holiday’s projects and I
am already back to the school bench which might make you think I have not
done much i...
Big Gypsy Fashion
It all started over in the United Kingdom with dressmaker, Thelma Madine.
I got a glimpse into the world of Gypsy weddings. And I was hooked! Each
Thank You
“Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow”
~ Swedish Proverb
There are no words to express how much your kindness and concern have m...
Patrones 317 and Manequim 638
I'm spoilt for choice with Pattern mags in my mailbox this week. The
summer vacation Patrones and a truly fabulous Manequim.
But first, for any Perth s...
Thank You Discount
We just hit 600 followers on Facebook and as a thank you to everyone who
follows and supports hound we’re celebrating with 15% off your order until
Sunday ...
7 Things I Love About Spring
*'Spring is sprung*
*Der grass is riz*
*I wonder where dem boydies iz?'*
I'm not sure where my mom got this, but she's been reciting it every spring
for as...
Girlfriend, That Is SO Camp.
I’m on a sort of roll for making stuff for myself. Here’s my next
Turn this:
[image: M2718_envelope]
Into this:
New Web Addresses
First of, if you are reading this then thank you for being such a dedicated
reader. Life for both Rian and I have taken unexpected turns and
Presserfoot h...
Bunny rabbit toddler Halloween costume
Hi again. Oh, didn't I tell you I'm going for the "Least Updated Blog of
2011" award? I think I have a pretty good chance of winning that one...
Butterick 5602 - the shapely shift!
As my last two makes were useful wardrobe basics I gave myself permission
to indulge myself with another dress – I just love to make dresses! Since
Draping class 1, a simple blouse
Courses are liberating! Sewing-courses in particular seem to be very good
for my creativity-levels! Draping class 1 finished. We draped a basic
blouse, wit...
Finished Object - Burda Style 02-2011-101 in Blue
I am really pleased with how this dress from the February Burda Style came
out. It was made with the same fabric as the Blue Sorbetto, which I think
is lov... is up and running!!!!!!
Hello all.Sorry for the many test posts and delays but finally has been fully tested and is working. I will be posting an
actual post wit...
I’m still around!
Boy oh boy! I have been so flat out the last few weeks that I’ve barely had
a chance to blog let alone read my favourite ones. :( I just wanted to post
We broke up
My boyfriend and I broke up. You remember him, don’t you?
My ruffler/gathering foot. I don’t know what I did wrong, but suddenly he
gave me the cold shou...
Comparing things is easier than sewing.
What with the holidays and the root canals and the laziness, I haven’t had
time for actual sewing lately so I have embarked on a little bit of sewing
geek-... is ready to be unveiled!!
Hi friends!! Just wanted to get out into the blogosphere that I’m moving
this little operation (sewing machine is coming with…fear not!!) to my own
Cynthia Rowley Simplicity 2586 Sundress
My husband and I went to a concert in Boston recently, and I wore this
dress, which is Cynthia Rowley Simplicity 2586:
This dress was so easy to make....