Just after last Christmas (that sounds like ages ago - but it's less than 4 weeks since we had Crimbo 2010!) someone gave me this 2011 calendar because they said they knew I'd like it, and I do! It's by a mannequin supplier called Alvanon here's a couple of pics I took of it - more pics in my Flickr photostream:
I recently made some detachable dummy clips from my friend V's new baby. I used this tutorial the Pacifier Clip Tutorial (on the Sew, Mama, Sew! Blog - created by Dana from MADE) to make x2 for her. They were really simple to make. I also bought a cheap case from Tesco's to store them in when she's out 'n' about with baby (the box can take the soothers without any straps and be used with a drop of water in the microwave to quickly sterlise them - so I thought it's be handy to have).
Dumber (me!)
I forgot to check the width of bias binding needed to trim V's new denim bag and it all went a bit wonky. So, I've ordered a new bias binding maker from eBay - therefore her (surprise) bag is not finished yet. But at least she has her pacifier clips - which she loved :) (yay!)
I forgot to check the width of bias binding needed to trim V's new denim bag and it all went a bit wonky. So, I've ordered a new bias binding maker from eBay - therefore her (surprise) bag is not finished yet. But at least she has her pacifier clips - which she loved :) (yay!)