
Friday 18 November 2011

I'm Going Non-Shopping Tomorrow... in Goldhawk Road

Ahhhh... it's nearly the weekend and the end of another working week draws to a close (I'm so tired, and need the rest *sighs*). So, I'm particularly looking forward to tomorrow morning when I shall be *non-shopping in the lovely fabric shops of Goldhawk Road/Shepherd's Bush market!

Image Source: By Sunil060902 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
Yes, I am attending my **4th sewing blogger meet-up of the year LOL! I will be enjoying the company of the lovely Stevie of Beebee's Vintage Dress - as she is holding The Great November Fabric Excursion - she will be waiting for familiar faces and new ones at 11am outside of Goldhawk Road tube station in London on Saturday 19th November 2011.

So... if you know you are definitely coming to join Stevie for a sweet little sewing shopping trip please email her on:, as it'd be handy to make a list of people she'll be waiting for.

Stevie will be outside of the station from 11am, and the group won't set off for the shops until 11.30am, but if you email her she'll send out a mobile number you can get her on if your stuck in traffic etc.  :)

See you there tomorrow!

For transportation, map 'n' directions to Goldhawk Road:
Here's a handy link to a download page for a PDF of the local area map of the Goldhawk Road / Shepherd's Bush Market area from TFL.
It might be useful for anyone travelling via public transport to the meet-up :)

Plus: Transport for London's Journey Planner and National Rail Enquiries Journey Planner, and one more.... walking directions for London

*I am still trying to finish off tidying/DIY the last few bits of my sewing room - and I'm feeling somewhat guilty at the size of my fabric stash it's a wee bit uncontrollable (haha!) so my infamous floral shopping trolley will be staying at home this time. Therefore, I am allowing myself permission to purchase only x1 piece of fabric. (However, notions/trims are allowable 'cos they are 'ickle in size LOL!)

**My first 1st meet up of the year was during February in Walthamstow with snood-pusher Karen. The 2nd was in Brighton hosted by well-anchored Zoe and Beignet-wearing Stevie, and the 3rd was meeting cashmere-relovin' Elizabeth from SEWN.