DISCLAIMER: Rolf Harris did not, I repeat did NOT help me
to make my mystery item (see 2nd photo below).
In the meantime I wanted to share with you sneaky-peek at what I made for myself (from scratch I might add *polishes her imaginary halo*) last weekend! I am very proud of my efforts as I worked it all out on my little own-some, without having viewed, touched, or seen first hand any retail/commercially available versions of this *item* and it looks pretty darn good to me too (trust me... I've got a pretty big toothy grin on my face right now hehehe).
Hmmmm... *can you tell what it is yet?
And, if you can guess what it is... then maybe, just maybe if the sewing gods bless you, and you guess it's purpose correctly then I might possibly be inclined share a FREE set of instructions, plans and a tutorial with you sometime during the next week as an Easter-time treat from moi. And, as treats go the results of your DIY efforts should last you a sewing-lifetime, are sans Chocolat, are calorie-free, and do not involve harming any bunnies or tiny yellow chicks :)
P.S. There's a clue in the LABELS at the bottom of this post ;)